Saturday, August 29, 2009

So today I went to a model horse show.It's what us model horse dorks do--we get together and show our horses under similar criteria as real live horses. Sounds crazy,I know...I expect it to.
My horses did pretty well today was fun.

This is my horse Goldtop Rontrose II. He is partially named after one of the Supersuckers who happens to be the baddest ass rock'n'roll band on thee planet (next to the Stones of course) who happens to play a Les Paul who happens to make the Goldtop.And if you don't know what I'm talking about right now, you have shitty taste in music. Hands Down.
--As an aside,his 1st incarnate had to be shot in the head due to a broken leg caused by someone who actually plays a Goldtop guitar. Serendipity my friends.....

ANYWHOO.....Goldtop Rontrose II won champion of his division today,and then went on to win grand champion of all original finish horses there today!!! Those are his ribbons. Well worth the $$$ I paid for the Fucking TWO Rontroses dammit!!!!!

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