Saturday, August 29, 2009

And I'll close the night with this,because I feel so good.
I really challenge anyone to beat it.
COME ON The Lil Red Wagon Rules, but when a TANK comes outta nowhere and pops a fuckin' wheelie? Talk a bout a cock block for Dodge,but both of them is what the real girls are gonna like : ) All they need is fire coming out of anywhere,and the boys are sure to follow.
And a native american costume

And some people get REALLY creative with thier entries...Like the above broken wheeled cart,with a lady checking the harness. Must've been the damned gato,can't trust them.
A custom Breyer Alborozo by Summer Prosser

A goofy Hey Mule resin. I love these guys!

@ Desperado resins painted in different ways,gorgeous...

So today I went to a model horse show.It's what us model horse dorks do--we get together and show our horses under similar criteria as real live horses. Sounds crazy,I know...I expect it to.
My horses did pretty well today was fun.

This is my horse Goldtop Rontrose II. He is partially named after one of the Supersuckers who happens to be the baddest ass rock'n'roll band on thee planet (next to the Stones of course) who happens to play a Les Paul who happens to make the Goldtop.And if you don't know what I'm talking about right now, you have shitty taste in music. Hands Down.
--As an aside,his 1st incarnate had to be shot in the head due to a broken leg caused by someone who actually plays a Goldtop guitar. Serendipity my friends.....

ANYWHOO.....Goldtop Rontrose II won champion of his division today,and then went on to win grand champion of all original finish horses there today!!! Those are his ribbons. Well worth the $$$ I paid for the Fucking TWO Rontroses dammit!!!!!

Oh this is before the reduction (above,obviously)
There should be some sort of angelic voices and music from the heavens here.........
Everyone was a little skeptical @ first,but He looks just like I figured......EFFIN' BADASS
This is the 2nd incarnation of my '59 F 100.He's affectionately known as The Big Dirty Bastard.or Big DB for short.He recently got an ass-reduction,because someday I hope to win the Miss Flatbed Ford contest up in Winslow Arizona.

Standin' on the front porch....cocktail in my hand. 'bout an hora ago.....GOD DAMN I'm glad I live in Arizona

By the way---the cocktail is from the mid-1950's, called a "Rum Buck" 2oz rum (spiced) 1 oz cointreau (i used patron citronge) 1/2 tsp sugar, and 1/2 tsp lemon juice----YUMMY

Sunday, August 16, 2009

George does build a beautiful bike.That's George of Spartan Frameworks in Vail,AZ. If hard core and classy can go together,he achieves it every the time.

Here is Jim with his brand new panhead chopper that's already puking oil on his leg the 1st day.It's just breaking him in....
Oh, and here's the back bedroom.YIKES !!!!!!!!! I am a colossal dork with a capital O.It keeps me out of trouble. Whatever it takes, eh?

Even crazier--Saddles and bridles.

There are even "shows" that we take the horses to. Here are all of the championship and reserve championship ribbons my guys have won so far this year. (no those horses in the photo didn't win them)
I was super duper excited today to stay home and rearrange horses,because Jason put up 3 more shelves for me before escaping to band practice. I am so lucky he doesn't seem to care about my madness .He knows I am a lunatic anyway.

These guys are all horses that have been repainted by an artist--or customized from factory stock,if you will....

The stock horses on the top shelf are some of my favorites.
Ugly little ponies

5 Gaiters are my ABSOLUTE weakness!!!!! some of them are over 40 years old.
Everyone has some sort of mania.At least I'd like to think that most people have some sort of compulsion that must be acted upon to a certain extent. Or maybe I am only trying to justify certifiable insanity and need to find a 12-step program.

Hello,my name is Dean-a. I am a model horse addict.........

Just for shits and giggles I'll prove it to you. Take a look at my living room.
Go to the light little buddy...

4th of july this year, I was hosing the driveway off, saw something rolling around, and almost mistook this guy for a dog turd. Must've fallen out of a tree or something.He looks perfect though.
Part chipmunk head,part jellyfish. I'm not gross,just curious : )

We lost 2 great contributors to the world last week,Eunice Shriver and Les Paul. There is something pretty in the silence of death.

Please all of you PETA members,don't even think about it.No this guy didn't become a casualty for arts' sake.My boss blew him away for reasons of his own.I just saw the opportunity to use my new (at the time) camera.

I just love all of the pieces of flesh with gravel clinging to them,and the tendrils and shreds of meat skin and fur at the neck.
Something very serene about it.
Seriously, 'nuff said

Speaking of survival, this is exactly why Detroit has failed, it has ceased to make noise and to have balls.Where is the Dodge Rebellion Girl when we need her?

Mr Jennings speaks for himself....God do I love him

Been listening to my 2 favorites most of the day....DR Hook & Waylon.If you're not familiar with Dr Hook,then you're just not fucked up enough to survive.

Monday, August 10, 2009

This is the CRAZY one.She must be the GIRL.

It's these two weirdos I gotta worry about.One's sneaky,the other one's completely insane,and they live here for free.Swear if I could make them get ajob,or at least clean up their own shit,I wouldn't have to worry too much.Wish all I had to do to qualify for welfare is be cute....
It's alright--Jason knows we love him.
He was acting like he wasn't posing for the camera though

Or we could sell to Christian Bale fans everywhere.